
Thursday, November 26, 2020

One of the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world

4:52:00 PM


One of the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world 

the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world
Waterfalls are the fall of water in rivers from a high place and high on the rocks, and thus erosion of rocks occurs, so the waterfall is formed,
Seven of the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world, Waterfalls are the fall of water in rivers from a high place and high on the rocks, and thus the erosion of rocks occurs, so the waterfall is formed, and the waterfalls are considered one of the most wonderful landscapes, and there are many distinctive waterfalls around the world, perhaps the most important of which is Angel Falls, which is the highest waterfalls in the world, and in this, The article will talk about the highest waterfalls in the world in order,

Angel Falls
Angel Falls is located in Venezuela and it is the highest waterfall in the world, with a height of 979 meters. It was first described by the Venezuelan explorer Ernesto Sánchez-la-Cruth in 1912, but his discovery was not published. Therefore, it was only known internationally in 1933, by the pilot James Angel, who gave his name to the falls. The irony is that the word Angel means angel, while the name that the indigenous people gave to the waterfalls was the mouth of Satan.


Angel Falls, which flow in the Choron River in western Venezuela, is the highest waterfall in the world, with a total height of 979 meters, and the longest continuous fall of 807 meters. Angel Falls rush from a high ledge in an area called Lagrange Sabata, which is distinguished by its steep, flat, multi-colored mountains, some of which are more than 760 meters high. Angel Falls is located on the Ioyan-Tepwi Mountains, which rise 2560 meters above sea level. In summer it is possible to reach the top of the waterfall by plane and boat as the water abounds. As for times of drought, the water that flows into it decreases. You can bathe under the waterfall and play in its lower lake. Read more

Tugela Falls

Seven of the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world, Royal Natal National Park in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa. It is a complex of seasonal waterfalls located in the Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains) of the considered the second tallest waterfall in the world. But there is an argument that it is, in fact, the tallest waterfall in the world, not the Angel Waterfall in Venezuela. The overall official decline of the five distinct free beaches is 948 m (3,110 ft). This makes the length of the waterfall falling 983 meters.

First, many now believe that Angel Falls is not of the same length that was initially explored by American journalist Ruth Robertson in 1941. The figure quoted from 979 m (3,212 ft) roughly corresponds to the difference in height between the summit of the falls and the confluence of the Río Jaiga and Rio Sheeran, It is approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) away from the base of the Tokyo cliff and Ryan 1.6 km (0.9 mi) from the last part of Ryo Jaiga that can be considered a ‘waterGeography

Angel Falls, which flow in the Choron River in western Venezuela, is the highest waterfall in the world, with a total height of 979 meters, and the longest continuous fall of 807 meters. Angel Falls rush from a high ledge in an area called Lagrange Sabata, which is distinguished by its steep, flat, multi-colored mountains, some of which are more than 760 meters high. Angel Falls is located on the Ioyan-Tepwi Mountains, which rise 2560 meters above sea level. In summer it is possible to reach the top of the waterfall by plane and boat as the water abounds. As for times of drought, the water that flows into it decreases. You can bathe under the waterfall and play in its lower lake. Read more

Tugela Falls

Seven of the tallest and largest waterfalls in the world, Royal Natal National Park in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa. It is a complex of seasonal waterfalls located in the Drakensberg (Dragon Mountains) of the considered the second tallest waterfall in the world. But there is an argument that it is, in fact, the tallest waterfall in the world, not the Angel Waterfall in Venezuela. The overall official decline of the five distinct free beaches is 948 m (3,110 ft). This makes the length of the waterfall falling 983 meters.

First, many now believe that Angel Falls is not of the same length that was initially explored by American journalist Ruth Robertson in 1941. The figure quoted from 979 m (3,212 ft) roughly corresponds to the difference in height between the summit of the falls and the confluence of the Río Jaiga and Rio Sheeran, It is approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) away from the base of the Tokyo cliff and Ryan 1.6 km (0.9 mi) from the last part of Ryo Jaiga that can be considered a ‘waterfall’.fall’.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Lake El Marwani ... the jewel of Sousse

7:06:00 PM

 The lake is located not far from coastal Agadir


one of the most attractive Moroccan cities for visitors and tourists from outside the country, which made it thus tempt foreign tourists to visit, more than Moroccans who many of them are already ignorant of, despite the magic of the place.
In order to reach the lake, you have to move from Agadir to Amskroud, and from there to Tzakin Al-Sharafa, to start your hiking trip towards the lake above a waterfall.

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Although the people of the region acknowledge the difficulty of the road leading to it and admit that it is not always easy, especially for those who are not accustomed to practicing sports, but they emphasize, on the other hand, that the beauty of the region deserves the adventure and guarantees the dilution of the hardships of the road.

The clear and cold water of the lake entices swimming and appeals to diving enthusiasts, who are so enchanted by the calmness of the place that they think that the clock has stopped turning, while others, who are afraid of the depth of the swimming water, prefer to enjoy the beauty of the scenery and listen to the rumbling water of a waterfall pouring into the mold of a lake surrounded by dozens of trees.

Note. Tomorrow I will put a video showing access to this wonderful lake

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Friday, September 20, 2019

Al Hoceima

5:29:00 AM

Al Hoceima
Moroccan city

Al Hoceima (Amazigh ⵍⵃⵓⵙⵉⵎⴰ) is a Moroccan coastal city, surrounded by mountainous terrain, located in the middle of the Moroccan Mediterranean coastline. It is one of the most important metropolitan areas and is the administrative capital of the province of Al Hoceima. The urban population of Al Hoceima was 56,716 people in the 2004 census, and 399,654 people counting the surrounding emerging urban centers. The city has experienced rapid urban growth and expansion since the beginning of the 21st century, and is gradually becoming a metropolis that extends earthly to other urban points such as the sons of Bouyach and Imzouren.
Despite being a metropolis founded in the twentieth century, Al Hoceima has a great historical symbolism in rural and Moroccan history, where it was one of the most crucial military centers in the development of rural warfare [?], And one of its metropolises was Agadir, the capital of the Rif (1921-1926) that followed the victory Rural resistance, led by Mohammed bin Abdul Karim al-Khattabi on the Spanish colonizer. During its modern history, the city has suffered, like the rest of northern Morocco, from the voluntary economic and social marginalization of the Moroccan state, making it a permanent political protest (the Rif uprising 1958-1959 and the 1984 uprising). Since the beginning of the third millennium, especially after the 2004 earthquake, the city has known a series of economic and social reparations through a range of economic projects and infrastructure development [6].
The city is known locally as Pia, after the Spanish colonial city Pia San Jorge. The majority of the city's inhabitants speak Tamazight, in the Tarifit dialect. The main economic activities of the city are fishing, in which the port of the city ranks fifth nationally, in terms of fish production, in addition to tourism (28 334 tourists in 2013) and an emerging industrial sector, mainly located in the industrial zone of  ismail Bahi [6]


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

For the unique location of "Valley of Paradise" Agadir

10:20:00 AM
For the unique location of "Valley of Paradise" Agadir

Is a world-class site, frequented by tourists from America, Europe and many countries; but few Moroccans from other cities, other than Agadir and its surroundings, were fortunate to visit a place known for its "Valley of Paradise".

Paradise valley was the name of the first Hippies who spent many weeks in the region in the 1960s and 1970s, and with them the story of this world-famous valley began.

It is accessed via Oreir and then turn left via the new road and pass through Dwyer such as Tamarot, Tadrin, Imgirgan, Enararne, Tamzarot, Taghut N and then reach the Asif Nathagrat Nunakrim or Paradise Valley, and the distance between Agadir and Agadir is 37 km.

In the middle of the road, a valley called Asif N Tamant, our guide, the son of the region, says that this valley is always dry, even after the rainfall dries directly, and that many local residents believe that the dryness of this valley is due to a devout Faqih The stick that he uses in his movements, so he lifted the best of the sun to dry the valley, and God responded to his call.

There are no signs or guidelines to send visitors to the spot. Those who visit the area for the first time must stop a lot to ask about the route they should take to reach their destinations.

A neglected site

Despite the spread of signs that require visitors to keep the place clean, the azure pollutes that beautiful picture painted by Nature in the "Nifty Nangrat Nigrim". If the gazelles are present in a place where tree trees, palm trees, cherubs and various medicinal herbs meet, the signboards are also absent so visitors know which destination they are going to receive.

"The resort takes 10 dirhams for every car that stops near the entrance to Wadi al-Janah, but no one cares about this place for its maintenance and rehabilitation," says Malik. One of the stalls selling food is in a statement to Haspress.

Then the owner of the kiosk, who insists on not mentioning his identity so as not to deprive him of his livelihood, says: "They say that we work indiscriminately, but where will we go? This land is inherited from my ancestors, and I can not plant anything there. This space must be qualified. "

Wounded and dead!

The same view is shared by Ghaloui of the region, who told Haspris e-mail that "this natural resort lacks the protectors of civil protection, which has caused many cases and girls, at least 3 cases per year, mostly schoolchildren who venture to jump from high altitude to water ponds And the dangerous mountainous tracts cause fractures and wounds, the most recent of which is a fracture of a young man just a week ago, he suffered severe fractures in his nose and jaw. "

"Apart from the end of the week, where there is an ambulance belonging to the Aqsari group, the rest of the days are lacking in safety, which makes Moroccan and foreign tourists vulnerable to injuries and sometimes attacks" .

Wholesale problems

"The Wadi Al-Janah area needs genuine intervention by stakeholders to introduce this unique product nationally and internationally, by involving the local population in the fruits of development; citizens are not benefiting at the moment," he said. Of the qualifications of the region. " With their insistence on the need to "qualify this resort and the composition of the human factor and control and keep pace with tourism activity in the region because of the great benefits, not only to the local population, but to Morocco as a whole.

"The state should intervene to protect the interests of hotel owners and organized tourism projects in the region, because they pay taxes and have a lot of costs, but the random vendors in the valley have a negative impact on customers," says a hotel owner.

"The region is very weak in communicating with the outside world, through poor phone coverage and the absence of the Internet, which is hampering our work in a world that now depends on instant communication, automatic card payment and so on," he said.

"We often come across tourists who want to pay their bank account with a bank card. There is little liquidity left, but we tell them that we are in another world, in the absence of any other solution. Let it go. Perhaps it can and will send it to us. Our entitlements. "

A poor community

Radwan and Azizi, a member of the village council of Akzari, said that the village of Akzari, which has more than 4,400 inhabitants in a mountainous area without a doctor, is "one of the poorest communities in the region and has few annual incomes barely covering the necessary costs."

"The revenues of the mass dam at the entrance to Wadi al-Janah are very low, between 15,000 and 20,000 dirhams a year. What can be done with this amount to rehabilitate a large resort that needs huge sums," he said in a statement to Hasbres newspaper.

"The interests of the group are doing their utmost in cleanliness and awareness, but the cleanliness of this space is mainly related to the mentality of the visitor and the cooperation of sellers who exploit this place," says the member of the village council, Akzari. "The group does not share their profits, Although they are making a great effort to clean it up. "

As for the problems of walking in the area of ​​Wadi al-Janah, he explained that "there is a problem with the water and forests; but the wali intervened to expand the mound to allow the visitors cars, and the organization was programmed in May session to solve this problem."

"The Ministry of Tourism should be interested in rural tourism throughout the region, not just the Valley of Paradise," he said. "These spaces are a great outlet for Agadir and a shrine to many tourists."

Then a member of the collective council of the village group Akzari:

Monday, July 1, 2019

The cave "Wintdwin

7:49:00 AM
Morocco in their eyes

ROBORTAGE: Wintdwin, north of Agadir, Africa's longest cave, with four lakes and 21 species of bats.

The cave "Wintdwin"

to you

On the plateau of Tasrocht at a height of 1280 meters north of Agadir, the cave of Wintdwin, which is described as "the most beautiful cave in the world and the longest in North Africa", and the largest underground valley (Reseau karstique) on the same continent.

"Wintdwin", a word Amazigh composed of the words "win" (owner), and "Tamdun" single "Tamda" means the lake. This name became known because of the difficulty of foreign pronunciation of the word Amazigh "Win Tamdun", and became the cave of "Wintdwin" (Cave of the Lakes).

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"It is the most beautiful cave in the world and the longest cave in North Africa at a distance of 9 kilometers. It was discovered by the French colonizer after the country's independence in 1960," said Mustagour Younes al-Alawi, president of the Istgouar Association in Agadir (the first Moroccan association to be founded in 1986). .

 It has four lakes, separated by 800 meters. It is the only source of rural water in the town. Its water flow varies and is not depleted even during periods of drought.

Al-Alawi explains that its reputation has spread among the Spanish, German, and French Mestgurians, and has attracted their elders. "Between the entrance of the cave and the first lake is 350 meters, which is the only space visitors will receive from the Astiguar Society, with their tributaries up to 19 kilometers."

The cave houses 21 species of bats out of 33 species found in the Maghreb, with a life of up to 33,000 years, according to reports of global explorers in 2008.

According to Al-'Alawi, the cave of Wintdwin is home to the largest underground "Reseau karstique" in Africa, with water between 7 liters to 9 per second on normal days and in winter times more than 3 tons per second.

Al-Alawi explains that the research carried out around the cave of Wintdwin is moving in the direction that the only hypothesis that confirms the existence of a water tank in the earth's underground mattress is the source of water flowing through the cave throughout the year.

In his statement to the site "Lechem", the Moroccan monk Youssef Zanaki, who visited more than 100 caves in the world, reveals that the cave of "Wintdwin" attracts the world's top potentials such as Frenchman Jacques Sabati and Frenchman Rene Lammanye, The Frenchman "Alain Flauke" (a black world classist and professor of martial arts in the ninth class belt), "Leopegisso" of Spain, "Mikkel Olbiano", French "Patrick Olo Olivi" and Pauline famous "Robert Best".

According to Al-Mustansir al-Zanaki, Wintemudine has a five-cave feature: walking, swimming, climbing, climbing, stalagmites, and different geological scenes of its rocks are the testimony of the world's professional exploiters.

Also, the thickness of the brush between the ceiling of the cave and the surface of the earth is 70 meters, while the surface of the cave and the roof of the earth ranges from 3 meters to 40 meters.

Zanaki explains that the cave "Wintdwin" includes the "Great Hall" that contains a waterfall length of 40 meters, and the inner life.

During a march of more than 22 years, the Moroccan monotheist Youssef Al-Zanaki tells of the discovery of a rare insect in the world less than 3 mm long, called the "Christmasi al-Ghamzi", still kept in a scientific laboratory at the Faculty of Science in Marrakech.

 The rare insect, found in 1997 in a joint scientific jargon, was handed over to a Moroccan researcher in Marrakech, to be classified as a global insect, and became the first name.

 The Wandtowen Grotto attracts a number of international investors and similar teams from Canada, Poland, France, Spain and Lithuania.

It was also visited by the most famous photographers in the photography of the French caves "Fabriol Jean-Francois", along with "Philip Kellman" and "Frunk Solak

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Road to Russia

5:48:00 AM
Moroccans travelling
he first time I thank a friend Morosova Ghali who gives me some information. Russia is a European country located in the north of the African continent. Its capital is Moscow. The mother tongue is Russian. The ruble is treated as the international currency of the largest countries in the world in space. Moroccans are known for cold, Sharapova .. and exceeded our by4 hours and if you want to walk in the plane you need to wait 7 hours and enjoy the sky .. flying to Russia starting from AED 3000 Go and this week, Czar Vladimir Putin cancel the visa of 12 Arab countries from Bnhom Morocco to one area P Far East is 5000 km from Moscow. This area is called Vladivostok, near North KoreaThe news people are asking about the most important things that can help you get back to this place .... This place is unknown to more, cheap living in Shoya and Kara is estimated to increase the house 3000 dirhams per month against Moscow to expensive Moscow House as link5000 AED and fly from Moscow for 4,500 dirhams without a dream. Al-Balasa Kaikal Tall is 100 dirhams, while Moscow is cheaper for 300 dirhams and 150 dirhams per day. Muscow .. and suitable for Bash to go to Russia and complete a walk to it .. - Russia is currently one of the best countries and the best universities I can read human rights .. There are more than 300 specialties and numerbrinzites Kusale tale 1200 universities .. Russia as an offer for international students 80 million students support and Bugti country is the necessary Russian language .. Fash Ktmasi Takra Kunduz one year request for language instruction in INST supervised by senior teachers .. Prussia Makensh Guy studying medicine in order to Kaizen even some cultural studies .. Engineering for all kinds .. Science .. The theater of Andizid and Zed .. The cost of education in Russia as a link between 1000 and 1500 euros per year and Bash the payment of the application for your nomination file Tamiron of the forms that will be accepted is Kikonu where the academic evidence for you .. The specialty and the candidate candidate wrote one letter to explain it motivated me Khulato paid the demand to Russia exactly and Bash you know the information of the cutter entered here to study.Russia. .. For the cities that I have universities in Moscow, Rizan, St. Petersburg, Siberia, the University of Kena Dibba and especially the Moroccans in Moscow called East -Extrème ..- work : For work, a work visa is required or service contract is used in Russia. Senon serves the lights and remains at risk. Khayyef .. Validity of the Visa D service between one month and 12 months .. The method of diala dial .. You have a Contra Dial-up service to me Gadi Leha .. Or draft papers .. Passport .. Analysis of AIDS .. Costs Visa for me as a link between 140 and 400 dollars and a payment to the consulate after 25 days of the visa to Lake Kissiveto .. Choose me to serve, including Moroccans trade now and restaurants And Akhtar Alkhdmi me wanted architect architect technology and you have a possible floss project Dir Di Shi product Moroccan .. - Tourism: Russia where Hadshi is caught on Moscow either dick platen me regular openings and cold cold .. For tourism Moscow is expensive ... first a dimension such as a tourist visa application before the trip to Diyala month and Kittalbo Lake Fergomon .. Paspor and 3 consultations and Costs between $ 45 and $ 120 depending on the duration of my trip to Ghadi Doz .. Al Tayyarah Kima We have said 3000 dirham round trip and hotel The cheapest is 300 dirhams and your day is estimated at 150 dirhams. The price of a coffee in Moscow Daira is 30 dirhams in a normal place .. the best Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi and Yokotia. And Hadi some sites to me can benefit you Russian site in Arabic Http:// The location of each need as a link to Russia Http:// Diab Russian Hotels in Arabic ... http: // Request for study file in Russia

Friday, October 21, 2016

Location: Tizi Mazzika aspects Imlil Morocco

11:05:00 AM

Photos from neighboring Algeria.

10:53:00 AM

Sunday, October 16, 2016


7:07:00 AM
Catedral Bash Kaamtaz on Toubkal is that through the whole Mvugh Diallo and the nature and Khaddorah Ya Salam explicitly Blash Matschash by and Katebgesh dissociation Amaaha:
● launch: Marrakech ----> Beni Mellal (40 dirhams) Time (2:30)
Melli to reach Beni Mellal to Mall of Tronsabour me Jaepk say Aahtk The road "and Awesguet" Bash Matadbh and take over within the central city of Tal
● Bani Malal ----> and Awesguet (20 dirhams) time (45 minutes) the center of the mountains (to devoting a few Stiyibh) 35 km
And Awesguet and Salta to her guardian Kayna one small castle, but Bgiti walk boobs (Look Tasawr) .... Gadi received one Ronbouah tightening Katdick to between convicted and Kainh Dayal Tealegoat (I walked to between convicted and adjusts "Asaka" paradise above ground Siro to her guardian Matendmoh)
● The Awesguet ----> Tealegoat (arid land me Advtha saluting hit 16 km on my legs returned Jaballah Staiba) Caen Almarkob of sensuality and Awesguet 25 dirhams time (1 hour) 45 km
● Tealegoat ----> Catedral (10 dirhams) 12 km is 45 minutes Baast
Daba you and Salta goal-enter your Gadi Aahtk is installed an end Laboratory for Old Dlkhcb Leh and der Atont-enter your Makensh entered me connect you to Tema, before thee Caen Wade Sir wash, but only Bgiti drink Sol one generation General young Kai Kono Tama Dima saluting from above you Kainh Dar Gadi Adjok eye out for one of water Ya Salam says "Bonakua" Haha
Bakri monastery morning start for the summit and DIY with you for the water to-enter your Kaaaaaaavi came back on the line you have to Kaaaaaavi saluting Rah Makensh Menen irrigate (Talaana P 2:30 P 1:20 and we went down saluting Hdtna trembling and Winter)
Bs: one needed to Dar Ahdik me above you Taono with them, especially Belhoaaj and I had Gadi Fahhad time my hands to matter to Hawwaaj Dalbrd Leduc Draraa young
● Catedral ----> Zaah Ahansal 40 km (25 dirhams) Staiba is forgotten Mkjan_
Gadi reached an angle Gadi received a minimum refrigerant and Joe Zoyen of Tama Sir Lee "Korg" and Matnsac Sweetie "tyrant."
From Tema Hdit way to Ulad Ahmed ----> Azilal -----> between Aleodan ----> Afourar ----> Castle Sragnh ----> Marrakech (12 Staiba Venhar one of 9:00 Maouselna Tal 10 manual) of the ten impossible Haha
is over .
★★ Matsaoh people Duc Dieu matter to Hawwaaj Dalbrd Amaakm ★★

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