
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Definition of Imouzzer Adautnan area ,Moroco

Definition of Imouzzer Adautnan area
Imouzzer area is located at an altitude of 1,250 meters above sea level ... belong to labor Agadir Adautnan..thdha labor Alsoarh..jnoba Ourir northward and eastward and westward labor Taroudant circle conspiratorial ... Imouzzer divided into four groups and village are; group Imouzzer / 233 sq km and 6.351 people / group. Secondly Taqi / 263 square kilometers and 10.070 inhabitants ... Third group Aziar / 198 sq km and 3.803 Nsmh..raava group Tdrart 205 square kilometers and 5.703 inhabitants ......
Imouzzer Adautnan area is characterized by semi-arid climate and precipitation ... rain medium between 120 and 400 mm per year ... and notes by the snowfall in the highlands during the winter ... agricultural land occupies 6.631 hectares of forest ... and stretches 53.952 hectares ...
Thanks to the natural qualifications diverse ... Imouzzer Adautnan area are invited to play a pioneering role in the economic and social development locally ...

Now we will talk about the plant and animal Alguetaan of the area; there are a large variety of vegetarian and Gne..alorcan, Ilex, the earring, Alzeiterh ..aledum, plants and other medicinal herbs .... And in regards to animal cover ... Hnal about 25 species of mammals: Alguenvz..alilla..almaaz wild ... squirrel ... etc ... and there are also 72 species of wild birds; Baz punishment ... ... ... buzzards crow ... etc ... Add. To 20 species of reptiles ... like a snake; Aledah Moratanih and chameleon ... gecko / Aakjderbalomazegeh / ... and various snakes ....

Agriculture is the main activity Almdhir of income in the region; and despite the weakness of Sue E arable land distribution ... operates fruit trees such as almonds and olives area of ​​up to 3.284 Hectar..o growing vegetables and 61 hectares of other crops 105 hectares ...

In terms of livestock; they constitute a complementary activity in Almntqh..o most important species are goats, cows and sheep ....
And considered Imouzzer beekeeping area par excellence ... This is a very sophisticated activity there, and could total annual production of honey estimate about 120 Tun..hma domestic product plays a pivotal role in rainfed areas and mountain economy ... and _ihralamntqh factions and types of bees and produces the best mountain honey in Morocco Npth Alzeiterh. ** tazouknnit ** .. and region contains the oldest bee / iglifn / cells and name Akleven Anzerki n ...

Some tourist sites in the region;
Natural sites, Paradise Valley paradise; Asif limit; Anzerki; Veil Falls married ... caves and some landscaping between Imouzzer and Asif limit ... .triv hives Anzerki and is a breathtaking views and amazing diversity of vegetarian ......... ..

Oily contemporary; As well as the region is characterized by excellent quality olive oil, and is available on several traditional presses worth a visit.

Weekly markets; Convenes area Imouzzer Adautnan several weekly markets are: Wednesdays Tiqi, two Oqbar, Khamis Imouzzer and sat Tdrart It is suitable for residents of nearby villages to provide or to sell their products.

Koranic schools and angles; Alma angle ... Tiganiman angle corners of the oldest in the western High Atlas ... .dharih master Abraham ... or on the corner of Sidi Bou Ismail ... .zawah Asukal ....

And in spite of all the natural qualifications for Imouzzer; they are still marginalized area and is advanced, the need is greater than party officials interesting.
Because it is a real paradise for fans of eco-tourism and frequented by tourists, many Moroccans and foreigners ... so that the region should benefit from the infrastructures in the level of the reputation of the region.

And must protect natural sites of every human * attack pollution and haphazard construction * and are taken care of and nurtured.
Also must provide space data near the roads to enable tourists to enjoy the scenery mountain strange ...

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